

The basic choice is, of course, to drink or not to drink. Not drinking is always a low-risk choice. But if you do choose to use alcohol, here are some tips to keep your risk of impairment as low as possible
Eat before you drink. The food will help soften the blow by absorbing some of the alcohol.
Don't try to quench your thirst with alcoholic drinks; this only makes you thirstier. Plain old water is best when you're really thirsty.
Sip, don't gulp. If you're male, you'll look cool. If you're a woman, you'll look refined. And no matter who you are, you'll probably feel better the next morning.
Choose drinks with food-based mixers such as vegetable and fruit juices, which lower the risk of impairment; water or carbonated mixers increase impairment. Also choose drinks with low alcohol content.
Limit your drinking. No more than two drinks per day if you're a man, one if you're a woman. Don't drink every day, not more than four days in any week.
Don't "panic drink." In other words, slow the rate at which you put away the alcohol. It's not a race. Try to limit yourself to one drink per hour.
Give yourself a break; alternate booze with non-alcoholic beverages.
Be strong and don't give in to those immature jerks who use "peer pressure" to get you to drink more than you want.
Get involved in activities that don't include alcohol.

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