Alcohol. Drugs. Cars. These things don't mix . Learn about the problem and what can done about it. Although you may know you should never get into a car whose driver has been drinking?                    Alcohol consumption is associated with a wide range of accidents and injuries resulting from impaired performance of complex mental and motor functions.
The likelihood of having an "accident" increases with every drink a driver takes.
Research has shown that there is a definite reduction in the ability of the individual to process information, particularly in tasks that require undivided attention for many hours after the blood alcohol level has reached 0.0%. This means that the risk for injury of a hungover diver is increased significantly, particularly if high BAC levels were reached during the drinking episode.
The individual who has alcohol onboard may not feel impaired or even appear impaired to the observer but definitely is impaired and this is persistent for extended periods of time. The use of alcohol, even in moderate doses, clearly carries a self-destructive aspect of behavior and leads to higher probabilities for serious accidents.
A driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.10 (the legal limit in many states) or greater is seven times more likely to be involved in a fatal motor vehicle crash than is a driver who has not consumed alcoholic beverages, and a driver with an alcohol concentration of 0.15 or greater is about 25 times more likely. Basically, the more you drink the more likely you are to have an accident, and a fatal one. The same applies for the likelihood of having any vehicle accident, fatal or otherwise
Alcohol-related accidents are so prevalent, it is estimated that 40 percent of all persons are involved in a traffic mishap blamed on alcohol at some point in their lives. Forty percent!
All you had were a couple beers, but you still feel pretty smashed. Trust yourself. Don't drive. Even if you're under the 0.10 blood alcohol content limit and not legally drunk, that doesn't mean you'd be a safe driver.
What ever you do, don't get behind the wheel if you've been drinking! Your life, and those of others, could depend on it.

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