refers to a class of chemical compounds, all of which consist of chemically
bonded atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. People commonly use the
word alcohol to refer to such beverages as beer, wine and liquors.
However, there are many types of alcohol and they have a variety of
use. |
kind of alcohol we drink is called ethanol. When people have any alcoholic
drink they consume quantities of ethanol. Ethanol is a byproduct of
the fermentation process (when yeast and sugar are mixed together
and react). Ethanol dissolves easily in water, so it can be rapidly
absorbed from the digestive tract and circulate throughout the body
in the blood. |
Alcoholic Beverage
-Alcoholic Beverage
is a drink that contains ethyl alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are
made chiefly from such grains as barley, corn, rye or from grapes
and other fruits. These drinks have a relaxing effect that many
people find pleasurable. However, an excessive amount of alcohol
can cause intoxication. Prolonged drinking, may lead to alcoholism.
There are two main
groups of alcoholic beverages, FERMENTED DRINK AND DISTILLED DRINKS.
Fermented Drinks
-The principal
fermented drinks are beer and wine. Beer, wine; and other fermented
drinks are made by adding yeast to certain substances that contain
sugar. The yeast begins the fermentation process, which converts the
sugar into ethyl alcohol and carbondioxide gas. Fermented drinks contain
from 5 % to 20 % ethyl alcohol. |
Beer -Beer
is chiefly made from barley malt. To obtain the malt, brewers
soak barley in water and make it sprout.Brewers age beer for
several weeks to develop it`s taste. Most beer contains from
2 % to 6 % alcohol. Larger beer, the mosr popular type has a
golden color, but some beers are dark brown. Beer is a foaming,
carbonated beverage and is generally served chilled. |
- Almost
all wine is made from grapes, which consist largely of sugar.
Wine can also be made from cherries, apples or other fruits.
Wine may be aged for four years or longer. It has an alcohol
content of 8 % to 20 %. Wine may be red, white or rose (pink);
and either sweet or unsweet .Wine is served chilled or at room
temperature. |
fermented beverages include ale, hard cider and sake. Ale
is brewed in much the same way as beer. Hard cider is made from
apples. Sake is a japanese drink made from rice. |
Distilled Beverages
alcoholic beverages are made chiefly from grain mash or fermented
fruit juice. The percentage of alcohol in distilled beverages is expressed
as proof. The leading distilled beverages are Whiskey, vodka, liqueurs,
gin, rum and brandy. |
Whiskey -Whiskey
is made chiefly from barley, corn or rye. most whiskey is a blend
of forty kinds of whiskeys made from different grains. Whiskey may
be aged six years or more. Most whiskey range from 80% to 100 % proof.
whiskey may be served on the rocks -chilled, or with water or ginger
ale. |

Vodka -Vodka
is made from barley, corn or sometimes potatoes. Vodka has no
taste or odor and so it is uaually mixed with orange juice,
tomato juce, tonic water, or other beverages. It varies from
80 % to 100 % proof. |
Liqueurs -They
are also called cordials, and are made by flavouring brandy,
gin or other spirits with various parts of plants such as flowers,
fruits and leaves. Liqueurs range from 30 % to 120 % proof and
have a plenty of colors. |
Gin -
Gin ia a mixture of alcohol and wayer, flaviured with juniper
berries, and other ingredients. Gin varies from 80 % to 94 %
proof. Gin can be mixed with lime juice, tonic water and other
beverages. |
Brandy -
Brandy is distilled from grape wine or other fermented fruit
juices. Brandy made from grape wine is atleast 80 % proof. It
is usually served neat or with another spirit. |
Rum -Rum
is made from the juice of syrup of sugarcane , or from molasses.
Rum is atleast 80 % proof and maybe white or amber. Usually
mixed with coconut juice, lime juice, cola or some other beverages. |
distilled beverages include aquavit and tequila. Aquavit is
a scandniavian beverage made from grains or potatoes and flavoured
with caraway seeds. Tequila, a Mexican drink is distilled from
the fermented juice of thr maguey plant. |